Project Santa



Project Santa

helping those families that will struggle over the festive period

IMAGINE… You’re an 8 year old child. Its Christmas time. Around you there’s an excitement in the air so vivid you can touch it. You see shops full of gifts and abundance of amazing food.
Your school is decorated and almost emanating a glow of happiness and joy. People rushing around buying gifts for their loved ones all chattering in delight about their plans for the holiday season…. ….But for you Christmas will be very different.
You will awake on Christmas day as you would any other day pretty much. Your bedroom is mildly warm but rest of the house is so cold as there’s only enough money to keep a radiator on in only one room and your mum has decided to warm your room… let alone presents there’s no Christmas tree or decorations… “Has Santa forgot me?….or have I just been bad?” Your food that day will be far from abundant and lush… maybe a mish mash of whatever your mum could afford buy in with whatever little money she had….. JUST IMAGINE…
The above is not a fictional story it’s reality and true life and it’s on YOUR DOORSTEP in Newcastle upon Tyne.
Even though there are many charities that work tirelessly to help there are still many families that go under the radar making them helpless and lonely over the holiday season.
It is our aim at Project Santa to locate and find these forgotten families and bring the joy of the festive season to them. Please help Project Santa this year to hopefully ensure no child in our city must face the scenario above

Project santa 2023

can you help ?

There a few ways in whichyou can help...

A Christmas Gift

You can buy or send money towards a christmas gift. If you would like to buy a gift please email the team on:

To donate cash towards a gift
plese BACS as below:
Natwest Bank
Project Santa SC
Acc no: 90876849
Sort Code: 55-81-19

Put your name as a referance

Food Donation

Hindu Temple Newcastle will partner Project Santa again this year to make up around 250 large food parcels containing both staples foods and treats

To make a cash donation towards the food parcels please log on at:

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